CM Aqua offers you a wide range of products for particle control in your aquaculture system

Are you looking for reliable and efficient water filtration and particle removal/control in the 10 to 500 μ range, you should consider our patented HEX Drum filters that we produce at our factory in Germany.

And if you want to remove dissolved organics and fine particles in the water, our Ratz Protein Skimmers are the perfect solution for you. Finally, choose AL2 Aqua Belt filters for draining of back flush water from your filter system.

HEX | Drum filter 

HEX | Drum filter

all high-tech polymers perfect in salt water and tropical salt water

HEX | Drum filter 

HEX | Drum filter

standard HEX, very robust and improved continuously

HEX | Drum filter 
Model SANI

HEX | Drum filter
Model SANI

specialized for easy disinfection with ultra fast drain and fast full access

HEX | Drum filter Model Ship

HEX | Drum filter
Model SHIP

build to operate in rough sea with open access and waterproof drive

Ratz Protein Skimmer

Ratz Protein Skimmers

for removal of dissolved proteins, color, bacteria and fine particles

Al2 Belt filters

AL2 Belt filters

for draining of back flush water from the filter system

For more information get in contact

Kurt Carlsen

Kurt Carlsen, 
Sales Director & Founder
+45 2117 5600